When we were in San Francisco several weeks ago, we went shopping on Union Square. At Macy's, we were both surprised to see that the furniture that those of us who are Boomers tossed out when we left college is now back in vogue again--i.e. the hand-me-downs we got from our parents from the fifties and sixties, are now making a come back. I originally thought that this trend may be the result of the San Francisco market where space is at a premium and new high rise condos and retro are the rage. You're not likely to put big Mediterranean pieces into a small space--it simply wouldn't work.
I now see the same trend appearing the bedding sections in many stores as well--the "W" hotel look with clean, crisp lines is back in fashion. Earth tones are still popular. Contemporary styles are definitely making a comeback as evidenced from this rather psychedelic looking array of colors taken from the opening bedding page on Neiman Marcus website.
What does it all mean? Well, quite frankly, your home is your castle. Fix it up the way you want it and ignore everyone else, that is, until you get ready to sell your house. At that point, pay attention to what the latest trends are--you don't want a tired house when a little bit of redecorating could net you top dollar. Then again, it can't be too trendy or people won't buy it.
Posted by Bernice Ross, www.RealEstateCoach.com