If you want to get the greatest amount of return for your social media marketing efforts as well as for any ads that you post online, the most recent research on this important subject reveals some very clear cut patterns among web and social media users.
First, in terms of the best times to do a Facebook post or to post an on-line ad to a site such as Craigslist--the best times are actually based upon when people have breaks from work. Here are the three best times to post your Craigslist ads as well as any of your social media posts.
1. 8:30-9:00 in the morning
This is when people are first getting to work. Many people arrive early and they'll pop up on their computer to search for new listings or for other items they may want to purchase before the beging work for the day.
2. 11:30 to 1:00
This is lunch hour time. Your potential lead finishes eating or, if they're like many web surfers, they will eat as they peruse their Facebook posts or review the latest ads on Craigslist.
3. After dinner
An important point to note here is that after dinner means between 7:00-7:30 in the winter time and between 9:00 to 10:00 in the summer time.
Now you may be thinking you don't want to have to be sitting at your computer everyday managing these ads and posts. One of the best solutions is to use a dashboard program such as Hootsuite. Hootsuite allows you to schedule your posts throughout the day, week, or month. There's no need to spend hours at the computer doing separate posts. Hootsuite will handle them for you.
There's another great reason for using Hootsuite--it's their "hootlet." Once you install the application,the Hootlet will appear in your navigation bar. To post an article to Twitter, all you have to do is to click on the Hootlet and it automatically creates a Twitter post including the link. This is super easy and makes posting a breeze.
Posted by Bernice Ross
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