Today's luxury buyers and sellers expect high qualilty videos and photos of the properties they list or are buying. Just taking out your iPhone and shooting this on your own won't cut it in the luxury market. While you could do beautiful architectural photos and convert them into a slide show that masquerades as a video or you could have the videographer walk through the house with beautiful music in the background, what would it take to produce a video that is truly best of class?
Suppose that you just listed a $12 Million estate in the heart of Napa Wine Country. How would you market it? This cutting edge video from James Dwiggins of Realty World illustrates the power of highly targeted niche marketing provides you with a glimpse of what the ultra luxury buyer expects both in terms of the marketing as well as what it’s like to live in the property after closing. (Run time is 4:22).
The second example is from Erik Lavey of Keller Williams of Beverly Hills. As in the Napa video, this video is highly targeted and lifestyle based. What makes it especially powerful is that it really illustrates what it would be like to like to live in this property as well as what the lifestyle is like in the surrounding area. Since this is targeted to a younger demographic than the first video, the Hollywood Hills night scene is a powerful draw for many buyers. Also, notice the hook at the end of the video. It leaves you wondering exactly what will happen next. This is a powerful strategy for making the video even more memorable.
If you want to convert more listings in all price ranges, video is definitely one of the best tools you can use, especially for all your luxury listings.
Posted by Bernice Ross, CEO,
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