Virtually all agents want to increase their business. If they closed 25 transactions in 2012, they may set a goal to close 50 transactions in 2013. While lots of experts talk about increasing your production by setting different goals, virtually no one talks about how to achieve these goals except by working harder. If you want to make more money in your business, here are the steps you need to take.
1. Define Your Purpose
Beyond making money for you, begin by identifying what is your real purpose in terms of being in the real estate business? For example,do you serve a particular market niche such as golfers or luxury retirement communities? Do you serve a particular geographical farm? If you cannot pin point at least three specific service components of your business, then determine your three largest profit centers for the last 12 months. (i.e. the three specific activities that produced the most income for you in 2011-12). For example, if most of your business came from a specific area or price range, make that area or price range your top priority. Then focus on expanding in your business in those areas.
2. Identify Your Strategic Points of Focus
Next, take the three areas you identified above, and identify at least three strategic points of focus for each area. For example, if your goal was to expand a profitable geographical farm, your strategic points of focus could include the following:
a. Generate more closed listings and sales from present geographical farm.
b. Generate more referrals from present geographical farm outside farm area.
c. Increase farm area by 250 homes
3.What Two Activites Will Help You Achieve Your Strategic Points of Focus?
Identify two activities that you will use to achieve each strategic point of focus. Make sure each strategy you select is an activity you are excited about doing rather than something that will make you miserable. For example, if you hate door knocking, this activity is probably not sustainable on a daily basis for the next year. In terms of determining which activities would be best, the critical question to ask is, “What am I willing to do each day, to bring me more business in this area?”
4. Write Your “SMART” Goals for Each Strategic Point of Focus.
The acronym “SMART” stands for Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, and Time-grounded. Here’s what a set of “SMART” goals might look for the example below.
A. Generate more listings and sales from present geographical farm.
1. Specific: Generate an additional listing and sale each month from this farm for the next twelve months.
2. Measurable: Increase the number of traditional mail contacts from six per year to twelve per year. Increase the number of Email contacts from zero per year to 12 per year for each family in my sphere of influence.
3. Actionable: Use viral marketing on my web site to increase contacts by holding a drawing, providing an Email newsletter, offering a special report, or an E-coupon from a local vendor to anyone who registers on the web site.
4. Relevant: Items offered will change monthly and will be specifically related to events in the farm area or discount E-coupons residents can use from local vendors for their homes.
5. Time-grounded:
a. First of each month, send out email newsletter to past customers with this month's E-coupons.
b. Tenth of the month, design web campaign.
c. Fifteenth of the month, send out traditional mailing pieces.
d. Twenty-fifth of the month, post new web site offers.
e. End of month, update comparable sales and add them to Email Newsletter to go out on the first day of the next month.
5. Set Your Daily Objectives.
Remember,keep your focus on your three profit centers and set your priorities accordingly. If an activity doesn’t serve the development of those three areas, don’t waste your time on it. When you allocate your day, these three areas are your “hard rocks,” i.e. what must be accomplished today before you tackle anything else.
Working with “SMART” goals keeps your focus on those activities that will create the greatest amount of income for your business. Remember, the most successful agents specifically focus on two or three income producing activities rather than trying to do everything. Bottom line—a “SMART” focus translates to more money in your pocket with less work.
Posted by Bernice Ross, CEO,
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